Regional Call for Proposals

This is a great time to be a NACUFS presenter!

Why? Because the National Association of College & University Food Services (NACUFS) has adopted a new learning framework, the NACUFS Collegiate Dining Body of Knowledge™, that clearly identifies your target audience and the high-value content to deliver.

NACUFS is now soliciting proposals for learning sessions for our 2021 Regional Conferences. we are looking for energetic and knowledgeable speakers with experience and expertise to deliver relevant and high-quality learning experiences for our members.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for proposals that align with our newly defined learning domains (listed below) and target collegiate dining professionals who either:

  1. Oversee campus dining operations, programs, staff and/or other resources (supervision & management function) OR
  2. Establish strategy and direction for achieving the goals and mission of the dining program within the institution (strategic leadership function)

Learning Domains:

  • BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. Focuses on planning, systems and business functionsrequired to operate, enhance, and fund a campus-valued dining program.
  • GUEST EXPERIENCE. Focuses on providing an exceptional campus dining guest experience.
  • TALENT MANAGEMENT. Focuses on recruitment and selection, development, and engagement of personnel (including students) in order to operate a successful campus dining operation. 
  • CAMPUS & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT. Focuses on collaborative alignment with campus culture, mission, and strategies (including student engagement) as well as developing successful brand recognition through effective marketing. 
  • PROFESSIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Focuses on driving an ethical, organized environment that promotes high standards of integrity and inclusivity, effectively modeling responsible stewardship of campus resources, and leading and promoting organization initiatives and change.
Review the NACUFS Speaker Guide and Video Micro-Lessons

2021 speakers are required to verify they have reviewed the NACUFS Speaker Guide, Code of Conduct and video micro-lessons . These resources provide a framework for understanding your responsibilities as a speaker; considering audience expectations; and writing effective learning objectives. If your session is selected, you will want to refer to these resources again as you develop your presentation.

Learning Session Timeslots

Regional Conference learning sessions are 60-minutes in length and are scheduled during various times for each regional conference on the following dates:

2021 Midwest Regional Conference – Muncie, Indiana
Monday, March 1 or Tuesday, March 2

2021 Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Regional Conference – Amherst, Massachusetts
Tuesday, March 9 or Wednesday, March 10

2021 Continental/Pacific Regional Conference – Bellevue, Washington
Tuesday, March 23 or Wednesday, March 24

2021 Southern Regional Conference – Las Cruces, New Mexico
Tuesday, March 30 or Wednesday, March 31


The deadline to submit a proposal for the 2021 Regional Conferences has closed.

Submit Your Proposal