The National Association of College & University Food Services staff is dedicated to serving the association's members.
Director of Events & Learning
(517) 332-2771
Membership Coordinator
(517) 908-4536
Events Assistant
(517) 908-4533
Events Coordinator
(517) 908-4532
Director of Membership & Marketing
(517) 332-2868
Chief Executive Officer
(517) 332-2494
Curriculum & Learning Program Manager
(517) 332-3575
Communications Manager
(517) 827-1111
Events assistant
(517) 332-2883
Director of Business Development
(517) 908-4538
Membership Assistant
Events Manager/Executive Assistant
(517) 908-4530
Marketing Assistant
(517) 332-2734
Accounting Manager
(517) 908-4534