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Author: Claire Conley/Friday, July 12, 2024/Categories: Webinar
Event date: 8/13/2024 Export event
With the fall semester quickly approaching, colleges and universities are gearing up for the return of students and spike in campus activity. A key component of this transition is the management of campus dining services, which requires strategic staffing. Learn strategies you can use now to navigate the fall semester's unique challenges. The presentation will be followed by a live question and answer session. Optimize your foodservice and catering operations to not only meet the increased demand but to do so with efficiency and excellence.
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Tuesday August 13, 2024
1 p.m. EDT
Kira Caban, head of strategic communications, Instawork
Jeffrey Thomas, director of dining purchasing and food management systems, The University of Texas at Austin
Jeff Weissinger, assistant director of operational effectiveness, Vanderbilt University
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