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Operator Roundtables

Operator Roundtables

Author: Claire Conley/Wednesday, September 27, 2023/Categories: Course

Event date: 1/16/2024 - 1/17/2024 Export event

This program provides a unique platform to connect with up to 30 campus operators, each representing a NACUFS member college or university. The central objective of this event is to cultivate strong business relationships with operators, gain valuable insights into the latest trends in campus environments, understand the critical business challenges they encounter, and engage in in-depth discussions to explore potential solutions and forge future partnerships.


January 16-17, 2024 

Le Méridien New Orleans 

New Orleans, Louisiana

Click here for more information 

Click here for sponsor registration contract 


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officia eu exercitation

Deserunt Deserunt Incididunt

  ut eu excepteur

  proident esse Lorem

  Page Title

    ad pariatur adipisicing

    excepteur duis incididunt

    magna est sit

    exercitation ullamco quis

    excepteur nostrud incididunt

    Ad incididunt ipsum

cillum enim sint

Ad Occaecat Proident