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Webinar: Improve Retention by Developing a Growth Mindset

Webinar: Improve Retention by Developing a Growth Mindset

Author: Claire Conley/Tuesday, January 17, 2023/Categories: Webinar

Event date: 2/8/2023 Export event

Webinar: Improve Retention by Developing a Growth Mindset

Retention is much more efficient than recruitment. How do you provide goals and pathways within your organization to keep people there, while still helping them get where they want to be?

Join us on Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 2 p.m. EST to address these questions with Cornell University's Director of Organizational Excellence Lisa Zehr and Sr. Training & Development Manager Brandon Fortenberry.

This webinar will discuss how to build a culture that promotes and encourages personal and professional development on your team. It will explore strategies you can implement to establish short- and long-term goals for your organization to enhance the culture of your team.

Click here to register


Wednesday, Feb. 8 

2 p.m. EST


Free for NACUFS members

$49 for non-members.


Lisa Zehr, director of organizational excellence for Cornell Dining, has worked at Cornell University for more than 15 years. Zehr is responsible for training and development, nutrition, quality assurance and development, culinary innovation, foodservice systems, project leadership, sustainability, food safety & sanitation, and administrative programs. She has two undergraduate degrees in communication & production management and accounting, as well as a Master of Business Administration in Accounting.
Brandon Fortenberry, Cornell's senior training & development manager, got his start in foodservice making art with sandwiches and never looked back. He is a graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute and has worked in every aspect of the foodservice business, from dishwasher to chef, manager, director and, most recently, in training and development. Fortenberry has been at Cornell University for more than 17 years and is passionate about lifelong learning and helping people to achieve their career goals.

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